Hi! Welcome to my blog. Here you will find the ramblings of a gal who loves life, her husband, her children, running, teaching, sipping wine with a girlfriend, and helping others.

Life is too short not to say what you need to say, do what your heart desires, and make someone smile everyday.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


I love birthdays. The day someone was born is a day the world changed again in a small way. With every sunrise there's a new opportunity to make your mark on this world. Today, I can't even believe I'm 49. I am so blessed with a beautiful family, a great job, good health, and a forgiving God. I am so grateful, even though I often seem to take so many things for granted. A birthday is a great day to take inventory of your life, your goals, your heart. This coming year, I have several "new year resolutions". I learned a long time ago that a goals is just a dream until it's written down. I hope to share my goals and my progress toward achieving them on my blog. We can all learn from eachother's experiences and journeys. Here's to October 2, 1962


  1. Happy Birthday Kelly. I pray and hope it was a grand day. here's to you, cheers!
